Monday, February 20, 2006

Castri Window painting....and tommorrow's Dinner

This is where I had left the painting.

I continued with the buildings, such as the Doumo itself, repainted lighter, greener and of course more detailed. This was done without going into fine architectural detail though, as I needed to keep it loose in keeping with the rest of the work.

Here you can see the area, note the sky (altered) & verandas that have been added in on the other buildings..

Here are details of the stonework buildings, detailed areas finished off........continuing the confusion amongst the flat areas....

I finished the garden with another palm tree to the bottom right, but this one was painted much more subtley in cool blue-greens, just enough to break and confuse the linear aspect of the path etc.
There is enough perpendicular movement to negate the tendency of the eye to leave the canvas.

I have also added a dark green strip for the shutter and greyed down the edge (Inside Window) of the canvas....though the details are still not added...

...and here is the whole at the moment...note there is more work on the sky life to the sky and now helping the whole painting to tie together...

As for tommorrows Dinner...I'm off to Brussels in the morning, Christine is taking me out for a sea-food dinner, via Ryanair...It beats the chipper anyway.....

1 comment:

Gilbert Semillano said...

This is cool stuff,mate.. nice job!
