Monday, May 01, 2006

It has been a long weekend.......Little work has been done, I made a complete mess of the painting I was working on, so much so I broke the stretcher and rolled it up and binned it. I felt much better. The painting was not going to succeed, and I didn't have the heart to try and salvage the canvas. Apart from that I am not that unhappy, I have realised that struggling along is not beneficial. I am going to start sketching, scribbling etc. and enjoy myself. Painting will come - or go- as it pleases. I go away for my trip in 3 weeks so I don't really mind not starting anything....I am going to concentrate on sales rather than product at the moment. Who knows? if I can organise an exhibition i may find renewed vigour. I am stale. My work is stale. I am un-inspired, so is the work. I need to find my subject, then I can find myself.

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